Management Information Systems and Operations Research


Our research and teaching focuses on quantitative methods and systems for decision support in business environments with a particular emphasis on computational analysis of hard decision problems using high performance computing.


The broad applicability of its core topics places operations research at the heart of many important contemporary problems. Among those, we currently focus on vehicle sharing management, infractructure planning for energy networks and electric bus systems, humanitarian logistics, and liner shipping. We are equally interested in the development of solutions to specific issues of these problems and in foundations on the parallelization of optimization algorithms using high-performance computing clusters. Further details are available on our project and publications pages. For further impressions of our research area enjoy this OR-video (Video courtesy of INFORMS, the world’s largest professional association for operations research, management science, and advanced analytics).


We offer lectures, exercises, seminars, casestudies, lab projects, and theses on various topics in operations research at the bachelor, master, and doctoral level. For an overview of courses and information on (bachelor and master) theses, please, refer to our teaching page. There, we also provide detailed guidelines for arranging and writing theses at our research group. Students of selected courses and theses will be offered the opportunity to get access to modern computing facilities in the department’s new soda.lab. For further impressions of our teaching please watch our video "Methods of Operations Research.

Job offers and current team

If you are interested in joining our research group as a student assistant (SHK, WHB) or as research associate/doctoral student, we refer to our job offers page. Information on our current team members, including their teaching and research activities, can be found on the team page.      


business-card image

Carina Uhde

Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Operations Research


Write email +49 5251 60-5245

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