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TRR 266/TAF Re­sea­rch Se­mi­nar - Past Events

TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On October 18, 2022, Ferdinand Elfers (Erasmus University Rotterdam) presented the paper "TruPS, I Did It Again – The Impact of (Non-)Fair Value Accounting on Banks’ Impairment and Trading Decisions" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar. Ferdinand Elfers is an Assistant Professor of Financial Accounting at Erasmus University Rotterdam’s School of Economics. He earned his PhD at the University of Mannheim in Germany.…

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TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On July 12, 2022, Peter Limbach (Universität Bielefeld) presented the paper "Blockholder Representation on the Board: Theory and Evidence" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar.  Prof. Dr. Limbach presented a model that helps explain why only few blockholders seek board representation despite little direct costs. In the model, inefficiently few blockholders take a board seat because it signals adverse information to…

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TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On June 21, 2022, Ken Klassen (University of Waterloo) presented the paper "Tax Aggressive Behavior and Voluntary Tax Disclosures in Corporate Sustainability Reporting" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar. The paper is co-authored work with Jilian R. Adams and Elizabeth Demers (all University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada). In this study, the authors analyze determinants of firms’ decisions to disclose tax…

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TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On May 17, 2022, Beatrice Michaeli (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) presented the paper "Boards and Executive Compensation: Another Look" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar. The paper is joint work with Martin Gregor (Charles University, Institute of Economic Studies, Czech Republic). This paper examines the optimal contracts offered to CEOs and boards in a classic economic setting where a centralized…

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TAF Research Seminar On January 25, 2022, Stefan Zeisberger (Radboud University, Netherlands and University of Zurich, Switzerland) presented the paper "What is Risk? How Investors Perceive Risk in Return Distributions" at the TAF Research Seminar. Most textbook finance literature assumes risk to be the standard deviation of returns (volatility), which is not only used by academics but also financial advisors, regulators and more. The paper…

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TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On 21. Dezember 2021, Marcel Olbert held a presentation at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar with the title "Private Equity, Taxes, and Local Governments".

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TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On 9 November 2021, Dr. Jochen Pierk (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands) held a presentation at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar with the title "The Role of MNC Executives on Tax Avoidance of Foreign Subsidiaries". Jochen Pierk obtained his PhD from the Humboldt University of Berlin in 2014. Since 2016 he is an assistant professor at the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam (the…

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TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On October 26, 2021, Dr. Christoph J. Sextroh gave a presentation on "Simultaneous Information Releases and Capital Market Feedback" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar. Sextroh received his Ph.D. in the field of accounting from the Center for Doctoral Studies in Business (CDSB) at the University of Mannheim Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS). He was a visiting researcher at London Business…

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2.00 - 3.15 p.m., online: Dr. Lisa Hillmann gives a presentation on "Tax Depreciation and Investment Decisions: Evidence from the Leasing Sector" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Workshop.

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2.00 - 4.00 p.m., online: Assistant Professor Dr. Davud Rostam-Afschar gives a presentation on The German Business Panel: Scope, Methods, and Potential for Analysis at the TAF Research Seminar.

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