TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Chris­toph Sex­troh: Sim­ul­tan­eous In­form­a­tion Re­leases and Cap­it­al Mar­ket Feed­back

 |  TAF Research Seminar

TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar

On October 26, 2021, Dr. Christoph J. Sextroh gave a presentation on "Simultaneous Information Releases and Capital Market Feedback" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar.

Sextroh received his Ph.D. in the field of accounting from the Center for Doctoral Studies in Business (CDSB) at the University of Mannheim Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS). He was a visiting researcher at London Business School and at the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business. Christoph Sextroh teaches financial accounting and corporate communication at the master's level as well as financial statement analysis for executives. His prior teaching experience covers master level courses on earnings management, accounting for mergers and acquisitions, and securities valuation.

Christoph J. Sextroh conducts research in international financial accounting with a focus on capital market communication and the political economy of accounting regulation. Overall, his research is directed towards understanding the impact of personal relationships, interactive information flows, and the political environment on corporate reporting and the information available to capital market participants.